Awesome song and amazing actors? Focusing on the simple and beautiful moments of humanity is our goal.
From the artist NPR Music calls, “Big hearted! Rootsy!” We directed, filmed and editing this magical music video that we love.
By Phil Pickens and The Astronauts. Astronauts: Justin Aaronson, Daniel Kwiatkowski, David Paarlberg and Richard Thieriot. Produced and Recorded by James Frazee.
With: Andy Bustillos, Rocky Vega, Vichet Chum, Tara Nichols, Emily Kunkel, Rob Robinson, Dinah Berkeley, Joe Paulik, and Stacey Yen.
Story by Ellen Haun, Associate Producer Mikaela Izquierdo, Edited by Mikaela Izquierdo & Michael Izquierdo, Produced by Ellen Haun, Directed by Michael Izquierdo.